OpenRail Overhead Line Designer Help

Rehang Catenary

Ribbon: Catenary Design > Catenary > Catenary

The Rehang Catenary function can be used to assign a catenary to another row of poles at another track path. The old track path assignment of the catenary will remain. That means catenary and the row of poles have diverent track paths after the rehanging.

The generation of a row of center poles is shown here as an example: First, catenaries will be generated with their cantilever and poles for each track. At least one row of poles has to be between the tracks. Now the catenary from the poles which are not between the tracks can be rehanged to the center poles.


Automatic alignment of opposite poles.

  1. Run the Rehang Catenary function.
  2. Select the start pole.
  3. Select the end pole.
  4. Select the track path where the row of poles should be assigned.
  5. Run the Change of Suspension function.


Sicat Master will assign the row of poles automatically to the existing poles and saves the accompanying data in the project database. The window will be updated automatically.

Note: If the delete option for unused poles is enabled, Sicat Master will delete the old row of poles.